Keep Appling County, GA Beautiful - Go Green
We made the front page of the Baxley News and WSAV.Com picked up the store as well.  Yea more exposure for the recycling program, Girl Scouts, Baxley and Appling County! 
What a compete surprise!  Huge recycling containers were placed at all the schools recently.  The small containers that were bought with the grant money will be placed on the inside of the school and once they are full they will be emptied into the larger one outside the school.  The container outside the schools are for ANYONE who wants to recycle paper!  How cool is that??  Tierra - the founder of the project - had her picture taken at the container outside the Middle School! 
Well we are waiting on the placement of the containers.  They have been delivered but have yet to be placed at the locations.  Not sure what the hold up is but once we find out we will let everyone know.  Thanks for the updates and keep asking about them please.
Containers have been shipped!!  We have a meeting with the City Council on August 24th at 8:30am to do a presentation.  Hopefully it will be covered by the local newspaper as well.  I can't wait to see them placed in the schools and around town. 
We scheduled a clean up day for the City of Baxley.  May 15-16 we encouraged our friends and family to pick up trash in their yard, along the road, wherever they saw a need.  We picked up 8 bags of trash ourselves at the site we chose. 
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